Our company members are a team of dancers that travel to competition once or twice a year.  They work very hard and attend extra practices throughout the year.  Company members must meet certain requirements in order to participate.


Requirements for Company Members:

Company is by invitation only.  

Anyone joining company must be prepared to make a year long commitment.

Company members are required to attend several extra practices a month.  

Company members must not miss more than 5 company practices, or they will be asked to pay for private lessons in order to catch up with the rest of the group.

All members are required to travel to one or two competitions in the Spring.

All members will have to purchase a rhinestone necklace and earrings for competition, and they may be required to purchase other things throughout the year, including certain makeup and accessories.


Sr. Company - Members must be enrolled in tap, jazz, ballet and lyrical.

Int. and Jr. Company - Members must be enrolled in tap, jazz, and ballet or lyrical.

Mini Company - Members must be enrolled in two of the following:  jazz, tap, or ballet.


There will be fundraising opportunities throughout the year if you would like to try to earn money towards competition costumes and/or competition fees.  Money for competition costumes will be due in early October, and competition fees will be due in November or December.



VERY IMPORTANT - When costumes are ordered for a recital, students are then expected to finish the session and perform in the recital.  Dances are choreographed and spaces are made according to how many people order recital costumes for each dance. Competition dances require even more intricate choreography and when one person quits, it causes a huge amount of things to be changed. Therefore, once competition dances are started, there will be a fee of $50 for anyone that chooses not to finish the entire year through the spring recital.